FINALLY! I watched a decent movie, all thanks to some illegal source that I better not mention but if you lived in Indonesia you probably know what it is. And for this special honour goes to documentary movie that's being talked of early this year. From the director of 'An Inconvenient Truth' he present 'Waiting For Superman'

'Waiting For Superman' is not a movie about the glory of Superman (cos somepeople might think like that). This movie is about the educational system in America but not about how good it is, because as all we know America is one of the superpower country in the world and we practicaly think that they're good because they've been taught that way. But actually not! In this movie you see with you're own eyes how bad it is. The Teachers, the schoold building, and the worst is the system, their educational system. It's just so complicated that in the end American students didn't get the education that they deserve and only few bunch of them made it and graduated from 4 years college.
So David Guggenheim filmed 5 students that have a big hope for their future but being thwarted by this crooked system and a bad teachers. They all go to public school that basicly isn't good enough and the only solution so they could have their dream of becoming something they they to move to a better school, a school with hundreds applicants but only few will be accepted so they draw a lottery. SO BASICLY THEY HANG THESE KIDS FUTURE ON A ROLL OF DICE or a ball in this case.
As a teacher, my heart just break apart after watching this movie. To know dreams from alot of kids could died because of those kind of teachers and system when actually it could be reach so easily. I know Indonesia's educational system maybe even worst then they are because we are a third world country after all but to know on such a superpower country like that, these problem isn't solved for many years are just sad, it's like we're being fooled to be that great people come from America,we have to be like that country to have a better life when actually it's not. Education is important, it's the key of better future and better life.
I rated this movie 5 stars out of 5 because the content very informative and educative. Should totally watch this movie, especially educators out there. This movie is like a give to us.