Thursday, 27 January 2011

Movie Review : Blue Valentine (2010)

Ryan Gosling. What is the first though that come to your mind when hearing that name? Mine would be The Notebook. That sad sad love story just really can not be forgoten. He and Rachel McAdams become  one hot real life couple and win best kiss on MTV Movie Awards. Now he's back with brand new drama sad love story and with new love interest starring Michelle Williams. 
Blue Valentine is about a couple and on the edge of seperation, it's all because the husband, Dean ( Ryan Gosling) is an alcoholic that too comfortable with his life, think that everything that he have is enough and it's everything that he ever wanted. By thinking like that he starting to irritate his wife, Cindy (Michelle Williams) who one thing that she ever wanted is to have a different lives that her mother, she didn't really want to fall in love because she scared to have a family then ended up like her mother. But then something happen that change her mind and her life.
Basicly Blue Valentine is sad love story about two people that at first really falling in love then life happen. They start to grow apart, have differences in life goals and there's always someone who want more than the other. For a few minute after I watched the movie, I'm started to think Ryan Gosling repeating his role in the notebook. There's a few scene to that looks like in The Notebook too, like the one that Dean treat to jump if Cindy didn't tell the secret that she wants to tell, it's just like when Ryan Gosling asking Rachel McAdams to go out with him. But from acting, Ryan Gosling in here is far much better than in The Notebook. You can see that he more grown up, really exploring his emotion. No wonder he got Golden Globe nominee for this role, but tooooooo bad didn't make it in Oscar nomination.
For Michelle Williams who starting to play in serious movie (Dawson's Creek really doesn't count) her acting is very total. You can see that in some scene that made this movie become rated R, no but seriously her acting is really good. She can capture a wife that had enough with his husband because she want more, she want a better life, happier life not this steady life that she have. For her role she got nominated on Golden Globe too bad had to lose to Natalie Portman but she got another chance in Oscar for the same nomination which is 'Best Actress'.

Overall I'm gonna give this movie 3 stars out of 5. All because Ryan and Michelle acting really good and convincing and that steamy sexy sex scene that make them got nomimee on 2 precious awards.

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